這次學校無預警的倒閉歇業,造成許多學生沒有學校可唸,目前光在Perth (伯斯)的GEOS分部,就有超過兩千五百位學生受害,在學校停業前,學生沒有受到任何通知,學生直到上課當天,發現無課可上才知道學校倒閉,所以有許多學生現在擔心學費無法順利退回。
一、選擇風評良好的語言中心: 風評好的語言中心,代表上課的品質跟設備都不錯,自然就不會有招不到學生的問題,如果學生量足夠,就可以減低倒閉的可能性。
二、仔細思考代辦推薦的語言中心: 大多待辦中心的人員都根據語言學校的廣告推薦語言學校,其實並沒有真正參觀過或了解語言學校的整體環境,所以面對代辦中心推薦的語言學校,一定要自己好好思考或上網收尋資料,避免只聽信代辦的一面之詞。當然如果能夠找到一個誠信且有實地走訪語言學校的代辦,這樣是最好的。
三、一分錢一分貨: 雖然私立語言中心便宜,但相對的它公司的資金或財力,就沒有學校附設的語言中心雄厚,因此,如果經濟預算許可,最好可以找學校附設的語言中心,這樣可避免學校不慎倒閉的事件發生。
新聞 - 引用perth now網站-新聞
Shock as St Mark's International College shuts doors
Dozens of foreign students, who have already paid thousands of dollars for courses, were still arriving for night English classes at St Mark's International College in Perth tonight.
The school is one of eight language schools across Australia, owned by the GEOS group, that went into voluntary administration this afternoon.
About 2300 foreign students are currently enrolled across the nation, facing an uncertain future.
Some students could be forced to return home if the terms of their visas have been breached because they are unable to take part in full-time study.
Justin Walsh and Adam Nikitins of Ernst & Young have been appointed administrators to nine companies operating the schools in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Cairns. They have about 390 employees and international students from a number of different countries.
"School operations have been temporarily suspended while the financial situation of the companies and ability to fund future operations of the schools is assessed over the next few days."
The companies under administration are GEOS Melbourne Pty Ltd, GEOS Adelaide Pty Ltd, GEOS Sydney Pty Ltd, GEOS Cairns Pty Ltd, GEOS Gold Coast Pty Ltd, GEOS Perth Pty Ltd, GEOS Brisbane Pty Ltd, GEOS Management Services Pty Ltd and GEOS National English Academy Pty Ltd.
The administrators said a decision on future operations should be known by the close of business on Monday, February 1. Students have been told to return for a meeting at 2pm.
"Employees, students and creditors will be advised as soon as possible,'' the administrators said.
One student said she had paid $3000 for a three-month English course, while another stood to lose $11,000 for a 12-month course.
Students huddled together outside the college tonight, unsure of what the future held for them.
新聞 - 引用goldcoast網站-新聞
Big gap as Coast's language school shuts
MORE than 250 foreign students receiving tuition on the Gold Coast have been left without a school and, for some, a place to live after their English language school was closed suddenly yesterday.
Eight schools operated in Australia by the GEOS group, including one in Surfers Paradise, shut their doors in the afternoon after receivers were appointed when the group went into voluntary liquidation.
Nationally, the closure affects about 2300 students from countries such as Japan, China, Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil.
Jean-Baptiste Fouroux, 29, from France who had been studying at the Queensland College of English in Surfers for two months, said he was shocked.
"We have been told nothing," he said last night. "I went to class today (Friday) and they said nothing to us.
"If this is true, I want my money back. I've paid $320 a week for my course which runs for 12 weeks.
"I don't know what I will do."
Mr Fouroux's host father in Mermaid Waters, Christian Ulrichsen, also was unaware of the administrators moving in.
"I have two students staying with me," said Mr Ulrichsen.
"I haven't been informed -- I haven't even gotten an email.
"I will assist them as best I can but I'm limited in my resources."
Justin Walsh and Adam Nikitins of Ernst & Young are administrators to nine companies operating the schools in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Cairns.
Bill Egerton, who is contracted by GEOS to pick up foreign students for the Surfers Paradise school in his Koala Blue bus, said: "The receivers walked in and told everyone to leave. They have closed the doors. I'm owed about $4000 from them."
Mr Egerton said there were about 260 students at the school.
He said 15 students were due to arrive this weekend but would have nowhere to go.
"These kids pay $10,000 to $15,000 each for tuition."
The administrators said a better understanding of the financial situation and a decision on future operations should be known by the close of business on February 1.