最近這幾個禮拜在趕論文,趕到頭有點快掉下來的感覺,總覺得我的腦袋跟我的身體是分開的,突然有點悔恨不知道自己前面兩個月在做什麼 ,為什麼八千字的論文,要在兩個禮拜裡產出七千字呢?無解...總之就是我太懶了。哀~大家常說,好的開始就是成功的一半,回頭看看我的論文企劃書,在看一下現在已經寫好的六千字,我想...這企劃案應該還算不錯,至少我現在還沒寫偏題去,哈!!
在Supervisor(指導教授)收到文件時,她跟我說"Great, you have done it.",我想她心裡面該不會在想"太好了,你終於交件了。"哀~無論如何,我當她是在鼓勵我啦!!哈~誰叫我是小白目學生,一切都喜歡往好的方面想。呵~
Project Proposal
Project title: The impact of home care services for people with disabilities.
Supervisor(s): Janet Owens and Erin Wilson
Approach(es) to be used: Literature review
The aim of this research is explore for evidence of whether or not the impacts of home care services for people with disabilities can improve their quality of life. The research focuses on the effectiveness of home care services for people with disabilities. Theories and programs related in this research idea will be looked at.
Methods: How will you achieve the above?
Search strategies will be used during the process of literature review, such as searching information from databases and using search terms. EBSCOhost which is a database system will be used to search data. Moreover, search terms will be used to find out specific articles which are related to the topic, such as home care services, housing service and efficiency.
Gantt chart timeline
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Narrow down topic |
Prepare project proposal |
Search literature |
Read literature |
Analyze literature |
Interim report |
Get follow-up references |
Make list of topic headings |
Draft topic sections |
Thesis draft |
Presentation slide prepare |
Presentation practice |
Supervisor review |
Prepare final version |
PS. 這個時間表是參考用的,因為我到目前為止,還沒準時做完一件事,哀~只希望最後交論文是準時的啦!!