2012 Open House Melbourne資訊
時間: 28/07/2012~ 29/07/2012 (10am ~4 pm)
地點: 墨爾本市區Multiple locations across the City of Melbourne
票價: 免費FREE
2012開放參觀的建築物名單: http://www.openhousemelbourne.org/buildings/
With 100 buildings open in 2012, Open House Melbourne is set to open up even more of the city for the people who love it most.
You’ll gain access to buildings or parts of buildings that normally would not be available to the public. You’ll feel the history in buildings from the 1800s with the odd ghost or two. And you’ll marvel at the environmentally sustainable initiatives of our modern architecture.
Anyone interested in Melbourne's justifiably famous architecture and rich urban design will keep this weekend free. We’re expecting around 120,000 visitors.
2012 OPEN HOUSE With 100 buildings open in 2012, Open House Melbourne is set to open up even more of the city for the people who love it most.
You’ll gain access to buildings or parts of buildings that normally would not be available to the public. You’ll feel the history in buildings from the 1800s with the odd ghost or two. And you’ll marvel at the environmentally sustainable initiatives of our modern architecture.
Anyone interested in Melbourne's justifiably famous architecture and rich urban design will keep this weekend free. We’re expecting around 120,000 visitors.
Email: penguineducation@gmail.com