小企鵝最近得知澳洲墨爾本Sunset Concerts(黃昏演唱會)的訊息,這個演唱會提供現場的樂隊表演,讓暖暖的夏日增添更多的色彩,讓聆聽者在愉快的音樂會氣氛中,得到滿足的放鬆。以下是小企鵝整理的澳洲墨爾本黃昏演唱會簡介:
澳洲墨爾本黃昏演唱會 - Pablo Discobar的小簡介
時間: 09/01/2010 6:30pm-9:30pm
地點: Fitzroy Garden, 230-298 Wellington Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002
票價: Free(免費)
Pablo Discobar的介紹: Pablo Discobar is Australia’s premier original soul/funk outfit. With an appreciation of what was, they continue to keep things current with a strong emphasis on fresh breaks, beats and rhythms.
澳洲墨爾本黃昏演唱會 - Custom Kings的小簡介
時間: 16/01/2010 6:30pm-9:30pm
地點: Fitzroy Garden, 230-298 Wellington Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002
票價: Free(免費)
Custom Kings的介紹: Custom Kings prove why they are so hot right now, playing their unique blend of folk, jazz, blues, reggae and hip-hop both acoustically and as a full band as they heat up the night.
以上資訊參考That's Melbourne