小企鵝收到學校發來的E-Mail,標體是"interstellar SMS"(星球簡訊),啥東東?發送簡訊到其它星球嗎?,出於好奇,就順手點了信中網站的連結media release from Senator Carr,哇!!沒想到真的是可以發送簡訊到外太空唷!!PS~還是免費的耶!!
以下是小企鵝透過HELLO FROM EARTH給外星人的話:
"Hello from Earth. If there is life elsewhere in the Universe, please reply me. Cheers."
在傳送基本資料及簡訊內容後,網站很快的就回復,小企鵝的簡訊將於24 August 2009 被發送到Gliese 581d星球了,COOL!!!
Australians will have the opportunity to send text-like messages to potential intelligent life
beyond Earth thanks to an initiative to be launched today to mark National Science Week.
From 10.30 am today, until 5.00 pm Monday, 24 August, the public can visit
www.HelloFromEarth.net to post goodwill messages that will be transmitted to the nearest
Earth-like planet outside our Solar System likely to support life.
The planet – Gliese 581d – is eight times the size of Earth and some 20 light years away
(194 trillion km). It was first discovered in April 2007. Due to its size, it is classified as a
‘Super Earth’.
Messages sent during the 2009 National Science Week will arrive in the planet’s vicinity by
around December 2029.
Messages can be no longer than 160 characters and will be transmitted from the Canberra
Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, with the close cooperation of NASA.
1. 請拜訪"SMS外星人連結"
2. 填寫簡訊內容及基本資料
3. 點選"Submit"
4. 網站系統會送一封確認信給你,收到確認信後請點選"Verify Link"
5. 恭喜你完成你的第一類接觸啦!!你的簡訊會成功發送到外太空了喔!!
12 August, 2009
Dear Students,
I know how busy you are with your studies and other activities so I try not to bother you with emails and other communications, but I thought this might be of interest to you.
It is National Science Week. To mark this, Senator Kim Carr has invited people to send messages to the nearest Earth-like planet outside our solar system likely to support life - please see the media release from Senator Carr. There is some other interesting information about Science Week in the document. I hope you find this of interest.
Best wishes to all of you,
Professor Sally Walker