
小企鵝現在的工作是留遊學顧問,最近在幫小企鵝那群可愛的學生申請澳洲碩士時,發現有許多澳洲學校,除了要求學生要繳交一些基本文件外(畢業證書+成績單...),還會特別要求他們繳交一份Personal Statement(自我介紹),很多學生聽到要寫一份英文的自我介紹都快暈倒,因此,很雞婆的小企鵝就整理了一份如何寫的方式及範例,沒事時還幫學生改一下他們書寫的內容,目的就是希望那群可愛的學生能夠順利申請到學校,不過小企鵝想有許多想留學的朋友也很需要這方面的資訊,所以就在這裡將這份資料跟大家分享一下。

Personal Statement的目的是要讓學校了解你有多想要念你所申請的課程,還有你的學歷或工作背景是否與這個課程有關,所以大家在書寫時,裡面的內容一定要盡量圍繞著自己申請的課程主題寫,然後找一些證據去證明自己的確適合念這樣一個課程。

以下是書寫Personal Statement的內容大綱:

  • 想要唸的課程是什麼
    • 這個很重要,一定要很清楚的把申請的課程名稱寫出來。
  • 為何想要唸這樣一個課程(就讀的目的)
    • 可以寫說是因為生涯規劃
    • 可以寫自己對於這方面的課程很有興趣
  • 自己的學術(學歷)背景與這個課程有什麼相關性
  • 自己的工作經驗與這個課程有什麼相關性
  • 唸完課程後的未來展望
    • 唸完課程後想要往哪各方向發展
    • 唸完課程後會如何將上課的內容應用在自己的職場上
  • 最後一段一定要在鄭重的陳述自己非常想念這個課程,請學校通過你的申請。



Personal statement

I wish to study the “Master of Health and Human services management” course offered at Deakin University because I have great inclination towards managing health systems. I believe proper management is beneficial, if not crucial, to the well-being of both patients and health workers.


I began my nursing career working in a hospital medical ward. Although the work there was very rewarding I soon realized that I could not provide long-term care for my patients which was, and still is, my passion and desire. I started to believe that good evaluation of a patient's needs and the proper execution of well-planned care are essential to a patient's recovery.


However, I left the hospital to become a home care nurse making house calls to regular patients. I was fortunate in that role to be able to perform assessment of the health needs of my patients and organize proper strategies for them. I found great satisfaction in doing so and it was very rewarding for me to be able to directly manage overall longer-term plans and watch my patients recover over time. In addition, I began writing papers to share my concepts on managing recovery and one of them has been selected for publication in a journal by the Taiwan Nurses Association under the title “ALS Disease Coping in Home Care”.


After four years as a home care nurse I decided to enhance my nursing skills and knowledge and took on RMIT's nursing course. I graduated this year (2008) with a Degree of Bachelor of Nursing. After all these years of nursing experience I have not lost the desire and passion to take on management of health systems for the benefit of all who are involved, not only patients but also health workers. It is my natural inclination to become a manager of a health facility.


I believe your “Master of Health and Human Services Management” course fits perfectly into my career path. Gaining leadership and managerial skills for the health sector is exactly what I seek now. I envision that when I take on more senior leading positions in the health field and start managing with significant impact I will be living my dream and doing exactly what my passion dictates


備註: 這份範例是小企鵝自己申請碩士時寫的,當時英文不好所以有請槍手(小企鵝的新加坡姊夫)幫忙改文法的部份,建議大家在寫完自己的後,一定要請朋友再確認一次裡面的內容,因為這份文件是要繳交給學校做為申請學校審查的文件之ㄧ,所以還可以趁機向學校表達你的英文能力,因此內容一定要正式,要盡量避免任何英文文法或字彙的錯誤唷!!







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